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WB: 9th December 2024

Hi Nursery!

Our Topic this half-term will be Festivals and Celebrations.


This Week's learning:

This week we will be learning about Christmas.  We will be continuing our learning about Christmas.  We will be getting ready for our performance on Friday.  

On Friday, our performance times will be 10.45am and 1.45pm.  Please come to the office.  


Our Nursery Rhyme of the Week will be revisiting our Christmas songs.  



Number of the Week - 5 - Recap

This week our number of the week is number 5.  We will be thinking about what the number is and how we can show it, using fingers, drawing and objects.  We will also be looking at Number blocks to help us.

Here is the link to number 5.  BBC iPlayer - Numberblocks - Series 1: Five



Library will be on Monday.  Please ensure your child has their orange reading book and their library book so we can change it.  

We hope you all have a lovely week of learning and fun at Nursery!

Mrs Parsons