Nursery Little City Experience Photos
Our Nursery children had a lovely time with their Little City experience getting to be doctors, vets and even hairdressers for the morning!
Up to date information on trips/workshops and class activities
Our Nursery children had a lovely time with their Little City experience getting to be doctors, vets and even hairdressers for the morning!
Year 2 Multiskills event at Everyone Active Sports Centre.
The Year 4 children are off to St Albans Abbey for their Roman Festival. They will learn all about Roman's, try some food and meet a Roman Soldier!
Nursery 'Little City' Experience
We have the fabulous West End In Schools team coming in to perform Dick Whittington and his cat for all of our children.
We have a number of Sports Events coming up across the different year groups organised by the Dacorum School Sports Network. These are always a fun event giving children the chance to get involved in different activities alongside other local Primary schools.
The children of Galley Hill were asked before the summer break to create some artwork to send on to Watford Hospital A&E department.
Year 3 Trip to Celtic Harmony
Year 4 Chocolate Workshop
Interactive Dome Planetarium workshop for Years 5 & 6.