Day Four - Happy Birthday Archie!
Today we began the day with celebrating Archie! He started the day with multiple renditions of happy birthday being sung to him both in his room, the corridor and in the dining room! We all had our breakfast and it was time for the day to begin!
The Undefeated Simpsons had great fun orienteering today. Everyone raced with a map collecting letters. Emily C, Lucy M, William and Bodie were the first to collect all theirs and untangle the word, winning first place! Everyone enjoyed playing games in the maze especially Grace who seemed to disappear for hours trying to find her teams’ coloured tile on only to find it had been put on the top of a post. Junior then played a lead roll in a story told by one of the coaches and his acting skills shone through . Lenny was soooooo disappointed that he was not picked for a part (can you sense the sarcasm?) But he soon was happy when he and Tyson could get their football fix in the sports hall.
Mrs Spooner’s groups all had climbing and they were amazing! Lola E, Martina and Nell again took on the heights with great gusto and climbed up so fast if you blinked you missed it!! Jake had amazing problem solving skills on the climbing wall, taking his time to decide his next move. Olivia’s moon walking down the wall at the end was worthy of MJ himself! Kayson climbed every part of the climbing wall - no problems. Chi-Wai found a new pet in the sports hall - Gerald the Spider! In their maze session, Johnathan and Nataniel were the ‘toiletteers’ during our game of stuck on the loo (imagine stuck in the mud!). Some of them also showcased their acting skills. Ronnie reprised his cow role from earlier in the week when he had a moo off - this time he was the dying cow in the story. Aimee got lost in the maze and was running around trying to escape. Zachary J was a great leader for our nightline activity where they had to navigate a roped course blindfolded. He did have one mishap over a low beam Lucy P was a great leader for the girls - she communicated well so all the girls made it safely around the track. Lucie enjoyed revisiting the track once she took off the blindfold taking a leisurely stroll!
Today the Alphas started with orienteering. They were put in teams and had to find letters to make a word. Zach WH got distracted while searching for the letters to solve the puzzle with numbers from a different course, he slipped over and face planted the ground - but don’t worry he’s ok! He loved playing football with Woody and the others. Jibril took any opportunity for a little dance, he’s quite the mover. He couldn’t wait to get in the shop and spend his money. Somehow this week he has managed to find any patch of mud and cover himself with it. Woody was great at finding his team clues hidden in the maze. He got his football fix in the sports hall. Lila got to run around (her new favourite thing) the outside of the maze and show off her acting skills. Tre just asked about food all day long. What we are having, how long until his next meal or how good the food is. However he loved running around the maze as a tagger trying to catch everyone. Beau found an orphaned stick during our Bushcraft activity yesterday and was reunited today. She has named him Tiny Tim. Grace is the dad. Zoja created a new fashion accessory with her scarf and became a grandmother to Tiny Tim - quite the achievements for one day. She even remembered to buy her mum a fridge magnet - be surprised! Tiny joined in with all our tasks today. He even got to share Beau’s room. They created a presentation to persuade Mrs Spooner that Tiny Tim should come home with us. They await her decision with bated breath. We learnt that Zachary P apparently talks in his sleep. Last night he shouted “don’t eat all the cookies”… as you do! He was completely dead pan being a murderer in the game “wink murder”. We’re keeping an eye on you Zachary!
Before any activities started today Alex managed to get himself into a confrontation with a spider in the shower. He decided to solve this by throwing a shampoo bottle at it - you don’t mess with shampoo! Miss Hosein’s groups then started with abseiling and they were so amazingly impressive!!!! She was totally gobsmacked at their courage!!! Alex was unstoppable racing right to the front of the line without a fear in the world. Sophia and Lola H needed a little more persuasion so Miss Hosein had to shout from the bottom that Lola H could take some pictures on the iPad and Sophia could see listen to some Black Pink. The instructor said that he had never seen anyone move that fast! Lola H also gets the aware for the first person to get her hair trapped coming down but we fixed it and all was well! Oliver and Hannah were absolute machines and managed to complete the flat wall! It looked so challenging but they walked down like it was nothing! When jumping off the wall Sonny was a little unconventional and somehow managed to do the running man each time! Adrian, Finley and Jack were a little unconventional as they came down gripping for dear life and sliding down but they conquered their fears and had a go. We are so proud of all of them! Jack looked like he was doing a reverse Alohamora! Emily H, Lillie and Logan tackled the wall with total confidence and each had three goes! While it took Jacob more than one attempt and despite his absolute hatred of heights he did it! Everyone at the bottom whooped and cheered and it was such a lovely supportive atmosphere!
Following that Miss Hosein’s groups had Nightline and completed the sensory obstacle course. Whilst it was a little chaotic and a few people made friends with thorny bushes they all did well and completed the course successfully. After that half the group decided rolling down the hill was an absolute must and then the selfies began! God help Miss Hosein as she has to go through and delete the duplicates!
Later after lunch of delicious baguettes or lasagne it was finally the shop! Suddenly, about 5 of Miss Hosein’s group had glasses and we all became very aware of how similar Lola H and Miss Hosein look. Lola H demanded a selfie and the resemblance was a little scary! Miss Hosein promises she’s not pulling all the faces in the pics it is in fact Lola! Lastly, the group had a go at the adventure play! Sonny and Alex got some time in to practise their football drills, Logan and Hannah found some amazingly massive pieces of ice that just demanded a smash. Jack completed his camouflage ensemble with a new hat and took a picture in front of a bush he would be totally hidden if only it wasn’t for those pesky boots!
In the evening, there was a variety of food for dinner including chicken, meatballs, pasta, rice and two different sauces. We then finished Harry Potter before playing some games in the evening. We are looking forward to our final activities tomorrow and the journey home! Home you’re all prepared for the washing!
There’ll be a final post tomorrow with Friday’s activities and thank you all for reading!