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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

The Governors at Galley Hill are a small group of people, both elected by parents and chosen from the wider community. They are all volunteers and as such are not paid a salary for this role. They work closely with the school staff to support the school and to help it to meet its statutory obligations. This covers three main areas:

  • Strategic: involving setting policies, planning for the future and managing change.

  • Monitoring and accountability: ensuring the school meets educational and financial targets and has plans in place to meet performance objectives.

  • Supporting: supporting the school by celebrating and praising achievement, but also act as a critical friend, seeking improvement and asking questions where appropriate.

The full Governing body meets on a regular basis, usually once every half term. In addition to this the Governors attend sub-committee meetings at least twice a term. At Galley Hill we have two sub-committees: Teaching and Learning and Resources. The approved minutes of the meetings held by the Governing Body detail attendance at the meetings and are available from the school office.

The Governors also try to visit the school during the day and at events such as the school fair, open evenings etc. They also represent the school at a variety of functions and meetings.

As a Governing body we respect (and need) feedback from parents and we are always happy to meet with you.

Contact can be made via the school office.

Mrs T. Hunter - Chair of Governors
Mrs E. Birch - Head Teacher
Mrs L. Pearce - Vice Chair
Miss S. Elsey - Associate Member
Mrs K. Cleveland Marwick
Mrs M. Sparrow - Chair of Resources Committee
Mrs R. Mason
Mr B. Mackenzie - Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee
Miss N. Lewis
Mr C. Allgrove
Miss H. Birch
Mrs K. Cutler

Clerk to Governors
Mr J. Conlon

Structure of the Governing Body

The Governing body comprises: 3x Parent Governors, 1x Staff Governor, 6x Co-opted Governors (of which 1 is the Chair of Governors, 1 is the Vice Chair), 1x Local Authority (LA) Governor and 1x HFL Clerk.

See the files below for the full breakdown of the Governing body.

Galley Hill School adheres to the safeguarding protocols in place for all governors. Governors may be contacted via the school office, and can only deal with complaints where the schools complaints policy has been followed. This is to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly. The schools procedure for handling complaints is available on the website or from the office.

Please find tables below showing how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, interests, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. There is also an attendance register.