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Important Information

PE Days

Our PE days for the Autumn term are:

Garnet Monday afternoons

Turquoise Monday afternoons

All children must have a full PE kit in school with them. All items must be named:

  • Royal Blue T-Shirt (preferably with school logo)
  • Black Shorts
  • Black/navy tracksuit for Autumn/Spring Term
  • Trainers/Plimsolls for use on the field or playground

Outdoor Wear

We aim for children to spend time outside every day, whatever the weather! Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing in school, including a coat, hat and gloves for cold days and a sunhat for hot days. As a reminder, your child can bring sun cream to school but must be able to apply it themselves.

Please provide a pair of Wellington boots that can be left at school. These can be worn on wet days and when we go to the woodland.

Water Bottles

Please ensure that your child comes to school each day with a named water bottle. This can be refilled at any point in the day in the classroom.