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Important Information

PE Days

Our PE days for the Autumn term are:

Diamond Wednesday afternoons & Thursday mornings

Pearl Wednesday afternoons & Friday mornings

On PE days, all children must come to school wearing their full PE kits. All items must be named:

  • Royal Blue T-Shirt (preferably with school logo)
  • Black Shorts
  • Black/navy tracksuit for Autumn/Spring Term
  • Trainers/Plimsolls for use on the field or playground


Every time your child reads at home, please record it in their orange reading record. Children's reading books will be changed every Thursday.

D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) is on Thursdays for Diamond and Fridays for Pearl. Your child can bring in something to read from home; e.g. books, comics, magazines, or newspapers.

Water Bottles

Please ensure that your child comes to school each day with a named water bottle. This can be refilled at any point in the day in the classroom.