Weekly Homework
Homework Expectations for Year 4
Every Wednesday we expect to see your reading record, weekly sheet task and 20minutes spent on TTRS or a paper copy of times tables completed.
Weekly Sheet
Every Friday, a paper sheet will be given with a task relating to learning from a subject taught that week or coming up. This will be due in on the following Wednesday.
This is usually a task that can be completed on the sheet but will have options to go 'above and beyond' in creativity using other items you may have at home.
You should complete 20 minutes each week on Times Table Rock Stars -
https://ttrockstars.com/ and others way of practicing such as games, reciting and writing them out.
Numbots, although this won't count towards homework, Numbots can help keep other Maths skills in mind. To access, use your TTRS login.
You will need to read together at home at least three times a week. Your child will have access to reading books in school and a chosen reading book they can take and read at home. Write in your orange reading record when you have read.
In your child's reading record you will also find a 'Word collector bookmark'. This is for you and your child to collect a range of interesting vocabulary that you may have found interesting or needed to check the definition for! Once you've found a word, just write it on the bookmark! This should be a fun way of learning new vocabulary.
If you don't have access to online learning materials, please let your teacher know so that an alternative can be prepared.
If homework is not completed by Thursday at the latest the children will need to miss some of their break to complete a paper copy of their homework.