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Caring for the Children


All absences from school must be reported by a phone call on the first day of absence. If this is not the case, the child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised and this will be investigated by the Attendance Improvement Officer.

Children should not be taken out of school for holidays during term time as this disrupts their education. If the absence is unavoidable, an application must be made to the school using the Leave of Absence form which is available from the School Office. Each application must be made at least two weeks before the absence and each one will be assessed on the child’s attendance record as to whether it is authorised or unauthorised. Any leave of absence which totals more than ten days in any academic year will be recorded as unauthorised.


Children should only attend school if they are fit to do so. Children who have had a ‘stomach upset’ must stay off school for 48 hours following the last signs of the illness. You need to tell us if your child has an illness that carries risks for other people, particularly if it is chicken pox, mumps, measles, german measles, whooping cough or slapped cheek syndrome. This is important because we need to keep other parents informed. For other illnesses the doctors’ advice must be followed.

For other illnesses the doctors’ advice must be followed.


All children are screened for height, weight, sight and hearing when they are in Reception. Year 6 pupils have been taking part in a Government initiative to monitor weight.

Medicals are not now given to all children but if a parent or the school has a concern the school medical service will offer advice.

Medicine in School

In accordance with the County’s Health & Safety Policy, we do not administer any medication to a child in school. If your child is finishing a course of antibiotics or is following any regime requiring treatment, this needs to be organised around the school day. Alternatively, you may come to the school to administer the medication to your child yourself during lunch time.

In special circumstances, when a child is on a continuous long term dosage to be taken at regular intervals, arrangements can be made after consultation with the Headteacher.

Child Protection

The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every possible way. The Children Act 1989 also places a clear responsibility to ensure that we work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. As a result, if concerns are raised within the school or a child or parent reports a situation involving possible abuse, we would not be able to guarantee confidentiality. It would have to be referred on to Children, Schools and Families (i.e. Social Services). This is in line with Government and Hertfordshire policies.

Photographs of children may be taken during school activities. In the interest of security, names will not be included. Any parents who object to their child being included in a photograph should contact the school office. We expect that any photographs taken by parents at school activities are for personal, family use only.

All adults who either work or help at the school have an enhanced DBS certificate.

Parking and Road Safety

A high proportion of our children walk to school. We remind children about the dangers of crossing roads and advise them to always use the Pelican Crossing or the Crossing Patrol. Also, please use the footpaths and do not take children to school through the parking area.

Children in Years 5 & 6 are given the opportunity to attend a Cycling Proficiency Course. Parking is not allowed for parents in the school car park, except for those with a disabled child. When using the surrounding residential areas we asked that you park

with consideration to those living near the school. There is a car park at the pavilion on Galley Hill which is only a short walk away from the school.

Lost Property

All lost property which is labelled with a name is normally returned to the owner. Unfortunately, the school collects numerous items of unnamed school uniform. If your child has lost any items, please ask at the office to look through the Lost Property Box.

Any unclaimed items will be offered to parents for a donation towards the School Fund. These sales will take place after school by the Reception area or during Parents’ Evenings.