It has been another exciting and busy week at Galley Hill. Our children in Year 2 reported having a wonderful time at their multi-sports festival on Wednesday and at the same time, we also ran our well-being workshop for parents with Suzanne Stace. Thank you to all who came to the workshop – we really hope that you found it useful and left with lots of strategies to support your child. We have also held Glow Dance Workshops for our Years 1 - 4 children which looked like lots of fun.
Yesterday, Team Opal presented their sharing assembly and this was very well attended by parents. Thank you to the children for sharing so much learning and to all who came to support them.
Parking Around School
Once again this week, we have had a near-miss incident whereby a child was nearly knocked down on Pudding Lane due to parents parking with undue care and attention. It is entirely unacceptable that our children are being put at risk by parents parking on the zig-zag lines and on the pavement. I have discussed this with our local county councillor this week and I am hoping that they will support us in ensuring more frequent visitors from the parking enforcement officers and in researching anything more that can be done to keep our children safe. We now also need all of your support in keeping our children safe by parking with care, further away from the school site.
Sharing Assembly
Our next sharing assembly will be presented by 2 Pearl on Thursday 30th January at 9am. As ever, we welcome parents and carers to enter through the main school entrance.
Children's Mental Health Week
During the week commencing Monday 3rd February, Galley Hill will be taking part in Children's Mental Health Week. We will be using assemblies and sessions in class to explore the concept of mental health and why it's so important we look after it. On Thursday 6th February Mish, our Mental Health Support Teams practitioner, will also be delivering assemblies to the children and will be on the playground at lunch time for the children to speak to if they wish. For further information, and for resources and ideas for how you can support your child's mental health at home, please do look at the 'Wellbeing & Mental Health' page on our school website.