What a week it has been at Galley Hill! As you will know, on Tuesday and Wednesday, we were visited by inspectors from Ofsted. Despite being very tiring, it was a really positive experience to show off our school and, more importantly, our children. The inspectors asked us to share their thanks to all staff, governors, parents and children who were involved in the inspection. We will of course share the full report as soon as we receive it into school. I would like to particularly thank all of our hardworking staff who have been incredible this week supporting each other and ensuring things remained as normal as possible for the children. It was noted by the team how deeply staff care for the children at our school.
Science Afternoon
You will know that part of our school vision is to encourage curious learners and this year we are focusing on developing Science as one way of doing this. On Monday afternoon children in all classes (with the exception of Year 3 who will be on their school trip), are taking part in a Science afternoon. We invite you to come into school to share in the learning they have been completing. Please come to the office for 2.45pm.
Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project
Many thanks to the parents who attended the coffee morning in relation to this project this morning. We are always keen to develop our provision for all of our children and are pleased you were able to share your views on what more we can do to support your children.
On Monday 14th October we are celebrating all things SCIENCE! Children will be in THEIR CLASSES and be learning about nocturnal animals. After completing an afternoon of learning, we are inviting parents in to come view their children’s work. From 2.45pm, you will be invited to come see your children’s learning and hear about their science afternoon. They will be able to show you all about the animal they've learned.